Pseudo-Secret Random Qubit Generator (PSQRG)

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Functionality Description

Secret Random Qubit Generator (SQRG) enables fully-classical parties to participate in many quantum protocols using only public classical channels and a single quantum server. This functionality could be used to replace a quantum channel completely such that a classical Client can use it to perform various applications such as delegated quantum computation. This can be used to carry out Secure Delegated Quantum Computation by just classical online communication and no quantum communication. It allows a fully classical Client to hide her data such that she instructs Server to generate random qubits hiding her inputs and perform quantum computation on it via \textbf{UBQC} or \textbf{VUBQC}. It hides the output, input and computation from the Server. It can find use cases in other protocols like Quantum Money, Quantum Digital Signatures etc.. which needs a user to share his/her private quantum key over a quantum channel.

Tags: Two Party, Quantum Functionality, Universal Task,  Verification, Secure Delegated Quantum Computation, Classical Online Communication, Superposition, Collision Resistant Functions, Learning With Errors