Quantum Digital Signature

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Digital Signatures (DS) allow for the exchange of single or multiple bit classical messages from sender to multiple recipients, with a guarantee that the signature has come from a genuine sender. It comes with the properties of (i) transferability, i.e. messages with DS can be forwarded from one recipient to another such that DS is verifiable to have come from the original sender, (ii) non-repudiation, i.e at any stage after sending the message to one recipient, sender cannot deny having sent the message and corresponding DS, and (iii) unforgeability, i.e. a dishonest recipient cannot alter or fake the sender's DS and forward it to other recipients successfully.


For simlicity, most protocols use the case of three parties, one sender (Seller) and two recipients (Buyer and Verifier) exchanging one-bit classical messages signed by Quantum Digital Signatures (QDS).

Use Case

Signing e-Marksheet, Financial Transactions, Software Distribution, Cryptocurrencies, e-voting

Tags: Multi Party, Quantum Enhanced Classical Functionality, Specific Task


  • Transferability: Also known as authenticity, it means that at any point a recipient (buyer) can prove it to another recipient (verifier) that the concerned message has been signed by the claimed sender (Seller).
  • Unforgeability: Also known as integrity, it ensures that a dishonest recipient (buyer) can neither alter a DS nor sign a message with a fake DS (DS that has not come from a genuine sender) and forward it to other recipients (verifier) successfully.
  • Non-Repudiation: This property implies that at any point a dishonest sender (seller) cannot deny having signed the message sent to a genuine recipient (Buyer).


(Review Papers)