Pseudo-Secret Random Qubit Generator (PSQRG)

Functionality Description

Secret Random Qubit Generator (SQRG) enables fully-classical parties to participate in many quantum protocols using only public classical channels and a single quantum server. This functionality could be used to replace a quantum channel completely such that a classical Client can use it to perform various applications such as delegated quantum computation. This can be used to carry out \textbf{delegated quantum computation} by just classical online communication and no quantum communication. It allows a fully classical Client to hide her data such that she instructs Server to generate random qubits hiding her inputs and perform quantum computation on it via \textbf{UBQC} or \textbf{VUBQC}. It hides the output, input and computation from the Server. It can find use cases in other protocols like Quantum Money, Quantum Digital Signatures etc.. which needs a user to share his/her private quantum key over a quantum channel.

Tags: Two Party, Quantum Functionality, Universal Task,  Verification, Secure Delegated Quantum Computation, Classical Online Communication, Superposition, Collision Resistant Functions, Learning With Errors