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* If (dishonest) Bob holds a quantum memory of dimension at most <math>d</math>, then his (smooth) min-entropy is lower bounded as follows,</br>
<math>H_{\min}^\epsilon(X_1^n | KM) \geq n \gamma\left(\frac{-\log(d)}{n}\right) -1- \log\frac{2}{\epsilon^2},</math></br>
where <math>K</math> is any classical information Bob can hold, and $M$ represent Bob's quantum state in his memory. This quantum state has dimension at most <math>d</math>.
* Alice is ignorant about the set <math>\mathcal{I}</math>, the set of rounds in which Alice and Bob have chosen the same basis.
See [[|]] for precise definition.

==Pseudo Code==
==Pseudo Code==